Senin, 26 Oktober 2015

Vikings Gone Wild Hack New Update

Vikings Gone Wild Hack Free and 100% Work. Many functions of these hack, one of which is: instant recruiting troops and change cost of troops to be 1 beer, so if you use this Vikings Gone Wild Hack, you can build your empire quickly, making the troops with low prices and fast.

Vikings Gone Wild Hack New Update

Function of Vikings Gone Wild Hack Instant and Cost Troops is:
- Instant recruiting troops and change cost of troops to be 1 beer (work for all troops)
- Instant Build (normal cost and not instant upgrade).
- Instant Upgrade for max hero levels (normal cost)
- Instant build and instant upgrade for wall (normal cost)

Vikings Gone Wild Hack Instant and Cost Troops has been tested use Firefox browser and the result is 100% work, you can get Vikings Gone Wild Hack Instant and Cost Troops for free, free download, no password and no survey (absolutly free). Please contact us if this hack not work, you can contact us via Facebook Here or use comment below.

NOTE: Do not open cheat engine if you want open or use Vikings Gone Wild Hack and I'm not sure this hack can be used on Google Chrome browser. Possible this hack can be used on Google Chrome if your primary browser is Firefox and only open 1 tab (only open Vikings Gone Wild game) and also only open Google Chrome browser (do not open other browser).

Info Update:
Vikings Gone Wild Hack Instant and Cost Troops has been update on ‎Tuesday, ‎October ‎27, ‎2015. Update to Vikings Gone Wild Hack v3.0.2.1 (Vikings GW_v3.0.2.1, same with version game). Tested and 100% work.

Tools required for Hack Vikings Gone Wild:

Tutorial how to use Cheat Vikings Gone Wild Instant and Cost Troops:
  1. Log into facebook then play the game.
  2. After you get into home page or main page of the game open Vikings Gone Wild Hack.
  3. On the Vikings Gone Wild Hack select process browser, example: Plugin-container then click INJECT button.
  4. Now click 1 hack then click ENABLE button, after that back to select process then select process again then click INJECT button again.
  5. Bow Click ENABLE ALL button.
  6. NOTE: You must close hack and reload the game after recruit troops.
  7. Done

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